Performers wanted for opening ceremony of Professional Leadership Certification Oxford 2025.

This conference is running in Sommerville College from Monday Jan 27th and the organisers are looking for a group to perform between 9:15 and 9:45 am as part of the opening ceremony. Dance, Song and instrumental are all acceptable formats.

If you are interested please contact Usman Amjad on Tel: +92 333 4431571  / Email: usmanamjad16(AT)

New Year Ceilidh Flyer

Easy ceilidh dances, suitable for all, entertainment provided,
with a bring & share supper.

Old Headington Village Hall, Dunstan Road, Headington, OX3 9BY

Tickets £10 in advance, please pay by 28th December
Headington Scottish Dancers, Sort Code: 60-03-57, Account: 83018506
Please give your name as a reference when paying for tickets.

For further information:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 07595 252540
Check our website for up-to-date information on events and classes, including classes for beginners starting in the New Year