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Duet Yourself - Virtual Choir Rehearsal
Monday 30 March 2020, 20:00
Hits : 30209
From Monday 30th March Ithere will be a rehearsal over Facebook live on a Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8pm UK time.
We will be working on one main song per rehearsal, but a different song each day of the week:
  • Mondays will always be something a bit simpler, fewer parts, designed for people who are new to choir singing or are less confident.
  • Wednesdays is when I do my folk choir normally, so we'll be doing folk on a Wednesday!
  • Thursdays will be for something a little more challenging, for those of you who are feeling confident!
I’ll run the live rehearsals exactly as I do my face-to-face choirs; we’ll start with some gentle warm up exercises, do a little bit on vocal health and technique, and sing a silly warm up song before the main teaching segment. We will work on one main song each rehearsal, and then finish with something simple to give everyone a good sing. If you can’t make a rehearsal while it’s on live you will be able to catch up afterwards - the video will be saved to the group so you’ll be able to watch it at a time that suits you.